
The Vortex Process

Logos Vortex Technology

The Vortex technology produces a synergistic effect in wastewater treatment and farm operations because it harnesses the regenerative power found in water. It has been known for decades how vortex events work at a fundamental level, setting new performance standards in each instance. While adding water efficiency and delivering lower costs, crops become more abundant, seed time to emergence is faster, quicker to market with longer shelf-life and overall yield improves dramatically. Wastewater clean-up can be performed more efficiently with fewer harmful chemicals.

Influent Laboratory Reports — Meridian, ID — Desert Bio Tech

What Is A Vortex Event?

A vortex accelerates molecular spin, increasing its electrical and magnetic properties. This effectively captures energy just as nature does it. This auto-ionization process cuts through the hydrogen bonds that hold contaminants in suspension to restore water to its healthiest state.


In wastewater treatment, vortex water breaks down waste particles to a much smaller size and, much like Mojave Natural, stimulates aerobic bacteria to produce enzymes that break down organic waste particles. Vortex water and Mojave Natural work synergistically to supercharge this process, reducing the time needed for wastewater to be treated.


In an agricultural context, vortex events break down many disruptive patterns like chlorine or sodium fluoride, forming a loop to healthier, natural ionic bonds. Water in its optimal spin state will also flush hard deposits and debris from an entire water system simply because of a change in the directionality and velocity of movement to restore balance.

Influent Laboratory Reports — Meridian, ID — Desert Bio Tech

Logos Vortex Effects

  • Dramatically lowers operational costs while restoring farm water quality without chemicals.
  • Liberates oxygen while reducing poisons and toxins in each crop cycle naturally.
  • Extends the life cycle for pumps and heaters while reducing farm dependency on fossil fuels.
  • Produces higher yields, greater nutritional values, longer product shelf life, and water efficiency.
  • Eliminates calcification and algae growth in irrigation systems and standing water facilities.
  • Vortex generators are a one-time purchase with no recurring fees for filter replacement or ongoing maintenance.
  • Discharges excess salts and alkali from the soil, improving harmful irrigation runoff conditions while balancing overall soil pH naturally.

Vortex Motion

The forces crated within Vortex events, which include SHEAR and TEAR, affect and change ALL contents, elements, and their relationships within water.

Logos Vprtex Effects — Meridian, ID — Desert Bio Tech
Influent Laboratory Reports — Meridian, ID — Desert Bio Tech
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